About the Exhibit: .
Restore Our Earth: This Online Exhibit will share art and artistic performances focused on the environment and climate change, to increase environmental awareness and to inspire a cultural shift towards a balanced and sustainable world. Focusing on natural processes and emerging green technologies that can restore the world’s ecosystems, and reminds us of the opportunities that lay ahead.
Earth Day 2021
Restore Our Earth
Online Exhibit
April 18 - April 25, 2021
An Artists for the Earth Campaign hosted by
The Climate Reality Project:
Philadelphia and Southeastern PA Chapter
Connect with us on social media and share the exhibit!
You can find this exhibit on Facebook and Twitter
#EarthDay2021 #RestoreOurEarth #ArtistsForTheEarth
@ClimateReality @ClimateRealSEPA

Thank you to all our
Artists for the Earth!
You enlighten and inspire us!